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The GWIMS steering committee increases the visibility of the membership through collaborative engagement with AAMC groups, Councils, and with the gender equity community at large through projects, webinars, and meetings.
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As set out in resolution 17/4, the Working Group has a mandate promote, disseminate and implement the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The group is also mandated to exchange and promote good practices and lessons learned on the implementation of the Guiding Principles, and to assess and make recommendations thereon.
Statement at Third session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group to elaborate the content of an international regulatory framework, without prejudging the nature thereof, relating to the activities of private military and security companies, 9 May 2022
The annual work programme of the IAEG-SDGs, agreed by the UN Statistical Commission every year in March, focuses on the implementation of the indicator framework. Work of the group includes regularly reviewing methodological developments and issues related to the indicators and their metadata; a work stream on data disaggregation; three separate working groups (elaborated below in Working Groups) and the sharing of experiences and best practices on Sustainable Development Goal monitoring. The links below provide information on the work of the Expert Group in these areas, as well as the annual reports to the UN Statistical Commission summarizing their activities.
Currently, the three working groups of the IAEG-SDGs address Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), geospatial information, and measurement of development support. A task team has also been established to develop a proposal on sustainable tourism indicators. The links for more information on the three groups and task team can be found below. The working groups and task team are responsible for their own detailed work plans, methods of work, and communication and coordination mechanisms with other partners. Countries that are not members of the IAEG-SDGs, international organisations, civil society, academia and the private sector were invited to participate in these groups subject to criteria established by each working group and task team. Each of the three working groups and the task team reports on its progress at each of the meetings of the IAEG-SDGs.
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 76/231, the open-ended working group on reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours convened its organizational session on 7 and 9 February 2022 at the Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva. The first session was held from 9 to 13 May 2022. The second session was held from 12 to 16 September 2022. The third session will be held from 30 January to 3 February 2023. The fourth session will be held from 7 to 11 August 2023.
Prior to establishing the open-ended working group, the General Assembly, in its resolution 75/36, requested the Secretary-General to seek the views of Member States on the further development and implementation of norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours and on the reduction of the risks of misunderstanding and miscalculations with respect to outer space. The report of the Secretary-General and the views submitted by Member States are available on the website of the Office for Disarmament Affairs.
The third session of the Open-ended working group on reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours is scheduled to take place from 30 January to 3 February 2023 in the Tempus Building at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
Other international organizations, commercial actors and civil society will be able to attend the public plenary meetings of the group as observers. An official request should be addressed to requesting participation, indicating an ECOSOC consultative status, if any, and listing the full names and titles of the representatives who will attend. A mission statement or summary of work of the organization is also to be provided. Pursuant to the established practice, the Chair will subsequently provide the OEWG with a list of observers and the entities with consultative status with the Economic and Social Council for information and a list of all other relevant organizations and commercial actors for consideration on a no-objection basis at the beginning of the session. Such entities may provide written contributions on matters under consideration by the group, which will be made available at no cost to the Organization.
The TEG commenced its work in July 2018. Its 35 members from civil society, academia, business and the finance sector, as well as additional members and observers from EU and international public bodies work both through formal plenaries and subgroup meetings for each workstream. To allow it to conclude its technical work and retain the expertise before the future Platform on sustainable finance is set up, the mandate of the TEG has been extended until 30 September 2020.
The group calls for a wide-ranging and inclusive societal debate on the issue, for efforts towards joint monitoring and learning with regard to both regulatory and scientific developments, and for international engagement towards global governance.
The Washington Group on Disability Statistics was formed as a result of the United Nations International Seminar on Measurement of Disability that took place in New York in June 2001. An outcome of that meeting was the recognition that statistical and methodological work was needed at an international level in order to facilitate the comparison of data on disability cross-nationally. Consequently, the United Nations Statistical Commission authorized the formation of a City Group to address some of the issues identified in the International Seminar and invited the National Center for Health Statistics, the official health statistics agency of the United States, to host the first meeting of the group. The City Group format is one that has been used by the United Nations (U.N.) in numerous other occasions to address various problems in survey measurement and methodology, such as the Rio Group, which focuses on poverty statistics. The City Group is an informal, temporary organizational format that allows representatives from national statistical agencies to come together to address selected problems in statistical methods. A City Group usually develops a series of three to four working meetings and is named after the location of the first meeting.
The Washington Group, with funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and support from the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre at University College London, is working to develop a more comprehensive and redesigned website that will allow the dissemination of Washington Group information and products among a wider audience. The redesigned website is still under development, with new content and information being added regularly. The redesigned website can be accessed at www.washingtongroup-disability.comExternal.
The Expert Group on Public Health advises the Commission on public health and health systems, in relation to non-communicable and communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis. The expert group will also advise on ways to address challenges concerning vaccination and antimicrobial resistance.
At its 40th session in October 2020, HLCP decided to create an inter-agency working group on Artificial Intelligence (IAWG-AI), co-led by UNESCO and ITU, to bring together United Nations system expertise on artificial intelligence in support of the CEB and HLCP workstreams on the ethics of AI and the strategic approach and road map for supporting capacity development. It combines the ethical and technological pillars of the United Nations to provide a solid foundation for current and future system-wide efforts on artificial intelligence with a view to ensuring respect for human rights and accelerating progress on the SDGs.
The IAWG-AI held its inaugural meeting in March 2021, approving its terms of reference, which were developed at the working-level through a consultative process. HLCP subsequently endorsed the terms of reference. The IAWG-AI held additional meetings in September 20201 to develop its workplan. Several workstreams focusing on ethics and human rights, capacity development, procurement guidelines, education, justice, industry, foresight, and other areas will be carried forward by sub-teams and workstream leads, reporting back to the broader group, and to HLCP when necessary. The IAWG-AI seeks to work in collaboration with related interagency and multistakeholder mechanisms on matters relating to AI.
While users can create a Microsoft 365 group from Outlook or other apps, as an admin, you may need to create or delete groups, add or remove members, and customize how they work. The Microsoft 365 admin center is the place to do this.
Microsoft 365 connected Yammer groups must be created in Yammer, but can be managed in the Microsoft 365 admin center like other Microsoft 365 groups. To learn more, see Yammer and Microsoft 365 groups.
On the Owners page, choose the name of one or more people who will be designated to manage the group. Anyone who is a group owner will be able to delete email from the Group inbox. Other members won't be able to delete email from the Group inbox. Select Next.
After creating a new group and adding members, you can further configure your group, such as editing the group name or description, changing owners or members, and specifying whether external senders can email the group and whether to send copies of group conversations to members. See Manage a Microsoft 365 group for information.
Building on its first deliverable, the group put forward 33 recommendations to guide trustworthy AI towards sustainability, growth, competitiveness, and inclusion. At the same time, the recommendations will empower, benefit and protect European citizens. 041b061a72